Sunday, February 8, 2009

                                             (SING)   SPLISH SLASH I WAS TAKING A BATH
                                                         ALL ON A SATURDAY AFTERNOON 
                                                 THEN SPLISH SPLISH SPLASH CADENS IN THE BATH
                                               PLAYIG WITH SOME BARBIES  I WAS A LITTLE MAD 
                                 BUT SPLISH SPLISH SPLASH I DECIDED IT WAS RAD!

                                         PS: TRUE STORY   


  1. What an adorable picture! That looks like so much fun. It reminds me of the baths that we used to have. I miss those! I love you Becca

  2. Bahah, I love that his little you-know-what is strategically covered up. Thanks for being such a great Auntie... he loves you so much. This morning when he woke up we just heard him saying "Becca, Becca, Becca". I think he had been dreaming about you :)
