Sunday, February 8, 2009

      last sunday i fell of the bed hehe (i know lame)  so i hurt my three fingers the middle, ring and pinkie and a little of my wrest.  i had a little cast thing on it and i could not practice for a week. surprisingly i missed it and want to  progress even more now.
yesterday i went to a BEE a better BEEHIVE and hade for classes:
             -BEE creative (we made cupcakes) 
             - BEE confident 
             - BEE modest
             - and BEE beautiful 
                 the BEE beautiful one was about wearing and putting on make up, so i know LOT! (wink wink nugh nugh) 

1 comment:

  1. Why didn't I know about your cast thing? I'm glad that you want to progress in violin.. you have SO much talent.
    Next time I come over, I want you to do my make up for me! Love you girly!
