Sunday, February 8, 2009

                                             (SING)   SPLISH SLASH I WAS TAKING A BATH
                                                         ALL ON A SATURDAY AFTERNOON 
                                                 THEN SPLISH SPLISH SPLASH CADENS IN THE BATH
                                               PLAYIG WITH SOME BARBIES  I WAS A LITTLE MAD 
                                 BUT SPLISH SPLISH SPLASH I DECIDED IT WAS RAD!

                                         PS: TRUE STORY   
                                                            MY BUMPLE BEE CUPCAKE
      last sunday i fell of the bed hehe (i know lame)  so i hurt my three fingers the middle, ring and pinkie and a little of my wrest.  i had a little cast thing on it and i could not practice for a week. surprisingly i missed it and want to  progress even more now.
yesterday i went to a BEE a better BEEHIVE and hade for classes:
             -BEE creative (we made cupcakes) 
             - BEE confident 
             - BEE modest
             - and BEE beautiful 
                 the BEE beautiful one was about wearing and putting on make up, so i know LOT! (wink wink nugh nugh) 

Thursday, January 29, 2009

today mom tried to wake me up 5 times put i could not get out of bed i was so tired i did not wake up till 1:00 PM!!!!!! i cant believe that I'm still tired!!!!! 

Saturday, January 24, 2009

so cute!!!!!


I want to thank Jana soooo much for being such a kindred spirit :) for helping me set up this blog.  Today i woke up at 11:30 and went to a movie at 11:40 with a friend named melanie (from school).  after the movie (Madacascar 2) i watched Anne of green gables,  THEY KISSED !!!!!  i just am in love with Gilbert :)